'Which is the best diet? Is it a vegetarian diet or non vegetarian diet or the recently popularised Vegan diet? Let us find out find what modern science and Ayurveda has to say about veg and non veg foods. I will also share with you my perspective on it. So, if you are confused whether you should eat non veg or not, this is the video for you. Buy Nutrabay Whey Protein Isolate: https://nbay.cc/3sdX2cu Buy Nutrabay from Amazon: https://amzn.to/3dX4HXj Buy Nutrabay from Flipkart: https://nbay.cc/36UNkUv In the world of nutrition, there is no debate as fierce as the one between vegetarians and non vegetarians. Let\'s unfold the truth. 0:32 - The surprising truth about the sudden shift of food choices of Indians 01:20 - What is the modern science\'s take on vegetarian, non vegetarian and vegan diets? 01:40 - How much protein do you need on a daily basis? 02:12 - Does Modern Science has a fixed opinion about which diet is the best? 03:02 - How does our diet affect the climate? 03:35 - What is Ayurveda\'s viewpoint on vegetarian, non vegetarian and vegan diet? 03:55 - What are the 3 types of food in accordance with Ayurveda? 04:24 - Why do Ancient Ayurvedic texts recommends eating non vegetarian food? 05:00 - Is man meant to eat meat? A physiological view point. 05:52 - What is my perspective on Veg vs Non veg vs Vegan diet? FOODS & PRODUCTS RELATED TO THE VIDEO (Not Sponsored)
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